Yesterday, as a kings kids ministry we were officially invited for meeting with Social Workers from one of the needy areas in Ruda Slaska -
"Kafhaus" -
this is a place where many kids and youth leaving "day by day" which means trying to survive .. very often parents are not interesting at all of what going on with theirs children.
The place we have been visiting many times with kings kids a other teams sharing Peaceful message about Jesus.
10.45 am monday, my mom and me were seating and sharing our vision, experiences and testimony what God did in kids lives from this area... I was proud of Jesus that He is showing people through us, small tools How he is BIG :-)
our kids who actually using social help told them about us, about our ministry about our hearts and lives... with all of my humble heart i was thankful that people A S K us for help in theris every day routine .... best thing was that because we became recognize organization in the city we can say ....... Dears friends is Jesus, nothing then Jesus our inspirtaion and answer.
well, that was wonderful time.....