Friday, October 23

Ania's Baptism

Words cannot express the deep joy I experienced on Sunday watching my Godly husband baptize Ania in the inflatable pool in the Hash's garage. This has been an eleven year journey for Greg and his family since they first met Ania's family, which now consists of four younger sisters and her parents. She's a precious gem and an important key to changing this young generation of Poland. Ania shared her testimony before the church congregation and how God has been real to her and wants to follow Him. Her life has not been easy... she's had to grow up fast to take care of her younger siblings because of her parents' addiction to alcohol. But she's remained strong and determined to have a better life for herself by doing very well in school and making wise choices. Many of you in the States have had the opportunity to meet her for which she's been grateful! She speaks English well but is very good at challenging me to use my Polish! This was Greg's first time to baptize someone and he was very honored to have this special blessing. Eugene prayed a special prayer of blessing and thanksgiving over her before she served communion to the body of Christ. Please continue to lift her up in prayer as she seeks the next steps in her walk. Hallelujah! Press play to see a few pictures of her day.

1 comment:

  1. I am delighted to be a part of this special time in Ania's life as well as King's Kids. My memories of her are still so powerful from my time there. I am more at peace today knowing that if the Lord does not make a way for us to see each other again in this life that we will spend eternity enjoying our God forever together.

    Love you guys, Pam Graves
