We met at the King's Kids Club at a little after 10 am and 8 of us (plus Abi and Hannah in their bike seats) set out on the 20 kilometer ride to Chudow. I have never ridden this far... ever... so this was quite daunting for me, especially with a 20lb girl strapped on the back of my bike! The guys were gracious though and switched bikes with me a few times so that I could have a break! We got to the park with rebuilt ruins of a small castle and stuffed ourselves with local food and drink and then sprawled out on the grass and soaked up the warm sun and enjoyed some R&R. Abi got to ride a pony and run around in the field with Hannah picking flowers. We returned to club around 5:30 and ended the day with grilling sausages and a game of soccer, er, I mean football. We had great fun and fellowship and I think I might actually be up for another bike trip sometime soon!