Tuesday, December 30

i was wrong, but is ok :-)

I'm built up!
Less than two months ago with the second school's graders from "Samuel" school we were watching pictures of children who need help and you can write letters to them, while we prayed God start speak to our kids to choose Kacper and write to him. Casper can not walk and suffers from muscular atrophy He is only 10 years old. Children in their prayers were raised to send him a Bible, but personally I thought to send him other books about animals. After talking with our beloved children, I learned that I do not understand ... that in the Bible are stories about animals and lions, and to prove it kids did bookmarks with animals and lions with regard to history in order to better search for Daniel Story and other! I have nothing else left to say then Amen and thank to Kasia - for tutoring them and going with His voice together with their children. I pray to God now for healing Casper that His Family can be moved and touched by His miracle !

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